Tag: petition

Sign this petition to help us get a Trader Joe’s in Ormond Beach, FL!

*This petition has already been printed and mailed thanks to ALL of you!

For updates, please visit and like our Open a Trader Joe’s in Ormond Beach, FL, Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/TJinOB

Please take a moment to read, sign, and SHARE this petition. Just fill out your information in the spaces given, read over the letter, and click the button below it to add your signature!

Once we receive one-thousand signatures, they will each be printed out and mailed directly to the CEO of Trader Joe’s, Mr. Daniel Bane.

Share through email, Facebook, smoke signal.. any way you can! We are already well on our way to making this happen! :)


“Open a Trader Joe’s in Ormond Beach” is doin’ work!

Our Facebook-page-with-a-mission is getting some exposure! Check out the article that was written about it in the local weekly publication, Hometown News. Fun stuff!

And don’t forget to like the page on Facebook and help us out! Every clickity-click counts and we greatly appreciate it. You don’t have to be a resident of the area to “like” the page, so spread the news about it all you want and we will sent you giant telepathic hugs each time you do. Promise.

If we actually end up getting the store? Fresh-baked cookies for everyone who helped out by clicking… AND tele-hugs. Double promise! :)