Although the majority of compensation is through Jasmin’s personalized services, products, and books, the site does include occasional affiliate links that do provide commissions. Examples of these affiliate programs include BodyBuilding.com, Amazon Affiliates, Google Ads, and Vitamix.
Affiliations do not mean a higher cost to you as the consumer, as they simply provide a slight commission to Jasmin and the True Health Trifecta brand (making it possible to continue providing prime content, education, motivation, videos, and resources to encourage holistic fitness). As a consumer, you may actually get perks by utilizing an affiliation link (like free shipping or discounts) which normally would not be offered. Basically, a win-win for everyone!
Most importantly, we would never suggest or promote ANY products that would not help you reach your optimal health, fitness, or wellness goals in some way. Most (if not all) relevant products are used by Jasmin herself. And, her words: “If you know me, you know I’m one frugal panda and if I wouldn’t spend my money on something, the last thing I’ll do is recommend it to you.”
Although we do our best to point out any affiliate links, consider this the official FTC disclosure for this website. To keep us protected and able to continue providing you with on-going awesomeness, it is best to assume that any shared, posted, or emailed links for products, items, books, articles, or the like, may result in True Health Trifecta and Jasmin Bedria receiving compensation.
Thank you for understanding and acknowledging your awareness (and support)!